NEW TIME 4:00 for meetings, starting Sunday Nov. 5

Dear Thay, dear Sangha,

Please join us this Sunday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Albuquerque Zen Center, 2300 Garfield Ave. SE.
Please note the change of start time to 4:00. By vote of the Sangha, with the change in the clocks in the Fall we move our meeting time up one hour to give more daylight to drive home after our meeting.

This Sunday we’ll be watching a video of Thay, about 20 minutes long. It will be a teaching on the four elements of true love: loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. These are also known as the Brahmaviharas (abodes of the gods) and the four immeasurables, because they can grow without bounds. These are qualities we can cultivate as Bodhisattvas for the benefit of all beings.

To maintain an atmosphere of reverence and tranquility in the Zendo we’ll be observing 10 minutes of Noble Silence before each meeting.

Dana (generosity) is one of the virtues cultivated in Buddhism. It is customary to offer Dana in appreciation for the benefits received and to support the Sangha. Dana can be financial and it can also be in other forms such as helping with setup or breakdown of meetings and days of mindfulness.

With metta,

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